The Toothfriendly Switzerland Foundation gathering, One of the most prestigious international organizations for measuring the health of oral and dental hygiene products will be held on Mordad.11th - August.2nd 2018.
Based on BIODENT Public Relations This gathering will be held on Thursday, August 11, with the presence of representatives from the Toothfriendly Foundation of Switzerland.
Toothfriendly is sponsored by the BIODENT brand in Iran as one of the most trusted institutions for measuring the health of oral and dental oral and dental products and aimed at improving oral and dental health.
TOOTHFRIENDLY With over 30 years of experience, Collaboration with Dental Industry and International Industries is a nonprofit foundation operating under the supervision of the Swiss Zurich University for oral and dental health.
At the initiative of the Swiss School of Dentistry, the Foundation has been established to recognize safe teeth production and is recognized in over 40 countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Turkey and South Korea. Also, more than 100 products around the world have won this show.
It should be noted that the presence of professional and international health services within the country is one of the indicators that can directly and positively affect the quality of life of people in the community, as well as promote the scientific and specialized prosperity of domestic brands.